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Showing posts from September, 2013

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This is how I bring a little bit of Brooklyn to Austin


Which Makeup Case Is For You ?

Okay, okay, okay.....i promise to blog more, and not get so caught up in work and getting work. So instead of big long winded ( ehem, that's my middle name ) posts, from now on you're getting more stream of consciousness blurbs and random thoughts. Like this one- I was on one of my Facebook group pages and responded to this post when halfway thru I realized, "this is such a common question I should do a blog post about it" So thanks to Misty Deupree for the inspiration Misty Deupree What is a good makeup (traveling) case that has a lot of compartments and space? And affordable Unlike  ·   ·  Unfollow Post  ·  3 hours ago You like this. Dyana Aives   Okay I'm kind of a makeup case hoarder, they're like shoes to me, I can never get enough and love all of them in my own way! Having said that,   Here'e my NUMBER ONE, NUMBERO UNO MAKEUP CASE  Kett makes an EXCELLENT one, this is actually my number on...

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