Dear Readers,
Recently, I decided to go with a new interface for my blog, in doing so I lost my "subscribe" button and subsequently my followers. I have since fixed the problem, so if you would be so kind as to divert your attention to the right hand column, and enter your email in the "Follow My Blog" box, we can continue with our previously scheduled program. LOL
Thanks so much for your patience!
I know, I know,..... it's been forever since my last post, and I could make excuses and say " a cross country move, a breakup, another move, (not necessarily in that order)...sometimes life gets in the way"..... but truth be told, I got sooooo much loot at the makeup show that I wanted to be able to actually use it, and not just on myself, but on my clients, so that when I spoke to you about it, I'd actually have something to say. So without further adieu, I give you ..... The Makeup Show LA Bloggger Bag There was so much in this "goodie bag" that I almost don't know where to start. I have a few favorites that I could go on and on about so I'll leave those for last. I will say this, there are some things that I selfishly will keep in my own makeup bag that my pro-kit will never know about!!! ***to purchase all these products, just click on the underlined links below*** First up Model in a Bottle, @ModelinaBottle One of my friend Step...
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